

English Club: 25th April

Last Saturday morning, NewMasters students and guests got together to practice English and have a delicious breakfast. It was really great!!! In a relaxing environment people interacted in real-life conversation and nreworked with other professional from different companies. Next English Club event will be a Happy-Hour. Schedule & place will be informed soon!!! Keep in […]

By master | Galeria

Programa de Inglês In-company da Vesuvius do Brasil

Alunos do Programa de Inglês In-company da Vesuvius do Brasil , empresa situada em Piedade, fabricante de sensores e equipamentos de medição industrial,  recebem o certificado de conclusão do módulo básico e comemoram sua conquista. O evento de formatura da turma contou com a presença da Gerente de RH da empresa Bianca Barbarisi,  que fez a entrega dos certificados a […]

By master | Galeria

NewMasters Happy-hour

On December 5th, students from different companies got together at Praça Maior Auditorium to take part in a special activity in English. It was lots of fun!!

By master | Galeria